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Thursday, August 30, 2012

YouTube Partner Program

YouTube is the most popular video sharing site. You can affiliate with Youtube in many ways.

1. YouTube Partner Program – You can get the opportunity to affiliate directly from your YouTube channel. YouTube offers partnership program for those video producers who create regular quality original videos that gets fair bit of popularity within the community. Generally you need to apply to this program. In some cases Google directly invites the top channels to participate in their revenue sharing program. You’ll get a share of the ad revenue generated by your channel every month.

To avail of this opportunity, you do not need to be an established brand; even individuals with great content can join this program.

They also offer Individual Video Partnership Program where they offer revenue sharing to the producer of some great individual videos instead of the whole channel. This program is offered to particularly those who do not provide regular great content but comes with one or two top production.

2. Post YouTube Videos on Video-Sharing Sites– YouTube allows you to share videos with others by embedding into a webpage. Many revenue sharing video sites like Flixya, Mediaflix are there where you can post your favorite YouTube videos. You’ll earn a portion of the revenue generated by those videos. Some these sites require AdSense account to participate in their revenue sharing program. You can easily get one through revenue sharing sites.

3. Use YouTube Videos In Your Blog or Site- Many people post YouTube videos in their blog or website. This is a great way to increase website visitors and engage them more. You can then monetize your website in many ways, like using AdSense, Affiliate Programs etc.

4. Promote Your Site Using YouTube- You can use YouTube to promote your website. Creating useful video content can help you build your authority in your niche and get more traffic and loyal subscribers. YouTube has a huge potential to generate loads of traffic to your site.

5. Affiliate Marketing- Some marketers use YouTube with great success to increase affiliate sales. You can video review a product and include your affiliate link in that video; there are software to do that, and upload the video to YouTube. If you can compel videos then expect quite a bit of sale. You can also redirect the traffic to your squeeze page and build a huge subscriber list.

6. Direct Advertising on Your YouTube Content- If you’re an established YouTube publisher, and maintain a fair bit of successful channel, then you can think of accepting direct advertising on your videos.

These are some of the more know and popular ways to generate revenue from YouTube


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